Thursday, November 12, 2009

Doodle of the day

Hi. This week, I tried to paint some flowers on polymer clay using acrylic colors. It didn’t was that good. Here the result. I think, next time I will first try to paint on normal paper and get some practice, before trying again.


Also, I attended today a crochet necklace course at the hobby store. It took me like two and half hours, and the necklace isn’t finished, but it looks like:


Sorry for the picture. You can’t appreciate  the colors. The beads are in purple, pink and transparent.  I look forward to the weekend, where I can work on my handmade polymer clay figurines or finish my necklace.  What are your plans?

Sunday, November 08, 2009

Pupusas Day

El Salvador celebrates today the “Pupusas Day”.  Pupusas are made of corn flour dough and filled with pork, cheese, fried beans, squash. There are so many filling combinations .

Inspired by this day, I created a little figurine using polymer clay. Here you can see the design:


And the result:


From behind:


Thanks to “GentlemanBunny” for publishing  nice polymer clay  tutorials, they are inspiring.  I used Fimo soft and acrylic to paint the details, and took me like 2 and half hours to make it   :-S

Wish you a nice day and don’t forget to eat today your favorite pupusas!

Saturday, November 07, 2009

First crochet necklace

Reading some blogs I found necklaces can be also made using crochet.  I just needed wire or yarn and beads.  So , I ran to the next hobby store and bought some beads in blue and brown to start working on my first crochet necklace.

First,  was thread all the beads on the yarn.



Then, I started crocheting single stitches and sliding the beads in the stitches.

Here is the completed necklace


In the middle there is a light blue heart as bead


And, to complete the set, I also made matching earrings.


Wish you a nice weekend. I will finish some crochet projects and perhaps work with polymer clay.

By the way, tomorrow is the “Day of the Pupusas”, celebrated the second sunday of november in El Salvador.  I just love pupusas revueltas (pork, beans and cheese).  Which are your favorite pupusas?

Monday, November 02, 2009

Another pendant

I wanted to make a ring using FIMO. So,  last week I bought a book about how to make jewelry using polymer clay.  The final result was not as expected and Mr. T suggested I should use it as a pendant.

Here is the photo of the formerly ring and now  pendant


The rest of the material was used to make a  matching ring (ok, still not decided).


Have a nice evening.

Sunday, November 01, 2009

Saturday, culture time

We went this saturday to the celebration “day of the death”, organized by the mexican community in Hamburg. The tradition includes building private altars for the friends and relatives who have died.  In the picture below, you can see all the details of the altar : the favorite food and beverages are prepared for them, photos and sugar skulls.


There were also mariachis, tacos and tequila.


It was such a nice evening.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

My first fimo pendant

Hi there! I continue playing with polymer clay and I finally made my first  pendant.  The tutorial was created by  Shatya and published on DevianArt. It was easy to follow because of the detailed pictures. Here is the result:


If you noticed, yes it is again a sheep. I found it very cute. I only need to add the glaze, wait about 24 hours and it will be ready to use.

What was your first polymer clay project?

Monday, October 26, 2009

Tiny Sheep

I want to share with you my first creation with Fimo: a little, tiny sheep. Ok, it is not perfect, but one day, I will be doing nice and cute things. My next project would be earrings or a pendant.




Whish you a nice week!

Thursday, October 22, 2009


We went last Sunday to a wildlife park. There were many animals and it was just nice walk.  I want to share with you a couple of pictures we took that day.
Isn’t this sheep cute?
and here the photo with red and yellow leaves
Wish you a nice thursday

Sunday, October 11, 2009


This is just a little experiment. The image was scanned and then painted with Gimp and Artrage. It is not a complicated painting, but I am just starting to draw.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

I love today

Hi there,
today I want to share some things I like in last days:

1. Bing is the search engine from Microsoft. I like it mostly because of the background image. It is changed daily and they show remarkable places in the world. The image below was the background on July 23th.09

2. Crochet. I am just starting to do little things. Check the etsy store from CreativeYarn. She has such lovely accessories. Here is one of my favorites, looks so warm and cozy. She also has a blog with lovely free patterns. I am already working on a project and perhaps I will share with you in a couple days when is ready.

3. Soul: is a car that looks like a compact SUV and has such a nice design and many extras that you can buy.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Normal day

Hi there,
It was just a normal day and after a hard day working, went home to do my household chores. The good news is we have washing machine in the basement and dishwasher. The picture is just a doodle of the day, refering to my chores. Doodle was done using Inkscape.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Fall is in the air

We had yesterday or probably last barbecue of the summer, temperatures are not above 18 degrees at day.There is just a feeling like everything and everyone is preparing to welcome fall. Yesterday, people on the streets were wearing warm clothes and scarfs, the leaves are turning gold yellow and the need to drink tea to warm up in the evenings is there.
Inspirated by the colors, I just decided to create my first painting using Artrage software. Ok, ok, it is not the most beautiful work of art, but it is just for fun. I just mixed some colors.

Monday, September 07, 2009

It was just yesterday

I arrived in germany. No, it was exactly five years ago. I came with many wishes, dreams, ideas, projects. When I look back, many of them have been accomplised. I like living in germany, but just sometimes, in the middle of the day, I remember how a mango verde, or semita tastes. I remember our family parties and when is cold outthere, I remember the sunny days in La Libertad. Today, I can say: both countries are my "Heimat".

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Rhine Valley

Last week we took some days off and drove to the Rhine valley. Such a romantic place with cute villages, castles and fields of wine. We spend there just few days, but we enjoy them so much.
The photo was taken in Bacharach, a village behind a town wall. In front, the Burg Stahleck and in the back, the Rhein.

Monday, August 03, 2009


Well, I wanted to add some details to my desk. Since, I still don't have a lego mindstorm, I found this paper model. This nice robot will make me company in my work hours. Ok, ok, I think I need a better glue for these jobs.

Here you can find more models created by Mr. Marshall Alexander, a paper engineer.

Sunday, August 02, 2009


I felt like doing a little project with yarn, I made a bracelet. Something that I learnt few years ago, when I was a child in my sommer lessons: handcrafting, baking, sewing.

Aren't yarn colors so nice and girly? I bought it in a little shop on Eppendorfer Weg.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Cupcakes in hamburg

My sister is coming to hamburg next week for the wedding. She already has a to-do list like: try cupcakes, macarons, try curry wurst, shopping, shopping, shopping.
So, the oder day I went to this cute little shop to try the cupcakes, and I can just say they are delicious. There are so many variations: you can have chocolate brownie fudge, corn bread, smarties, sugar boms, etc. They are definetely good for the soul.

You can visit their website

Two weeks

Only two weeks for the big day. There are so many details still to be done. However, I had fun looking for favors and collecting ideas on the internet for save the date cards and invitations. I have to admit, I've become a huge fan of handmade stuff, and I visit the site almost daily. Are you also a handmade fan?
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